Zach’s Blog

Avoid New Year ‘Neurosis:’ How to Set a Clear Personal Vision for 2017

As the anticipatory rush of the holiday season ends, we make our collective trek back home to normalcy. The family and friends who provided us distraction and entertainment leave our houses silenced. And as we slip back into our regular lives a certain internal silence also settles in. For many, it’s a silence that’s filled with mental noise of hope or apprehension for a new year. Thoughts that … Read more

How to Change the World in 2016

Change the world.

How have you changed the world today? If your response is silence, a slight shrug, or an “I don’t know!” you are like me and the thousands of people, young and old, I have asked this question to. My favorite response to this quintessential human question came from a college student during a keynote who was sitting in the … Read more

3 Powerful Lessons from 2015

Imagine if at the beginning of each year we envisioned the next 365 days with the same emotional vigor we reserve for the critical reflection on the year gone by? “There’s always next year,” I hear people say. What about the one year that statement rings untrue? See, the New Year, while great to celebrate the hope of newness, typically … Read more